under arrest


by x-kira


it was an imaginary trial, where the guilt has lead his mind through the letters of un-paid taxes towards a judge; masked as the father of hers, dressed and ruled by her favoritemothership, he couldn’t find find anyway around but to feel that heavy guilt, he’s being surrounded by opies of him-self, they’re nothing but those moments which he’d had to remember each and everytime he was getting ready, dressed and perfumed with his best smell directing his nose to the angle; before going out to meet with her.. the one who created his cell.

he left no other choice for her but to build tha cell up by spells of nightmares, covered in the costumes of what sweet dreamings sleep-overs would feel like, so the ego of the meant to be called partenership is not to get scratched.

his lonely eyes were scary as they knew how to turn this trial into the judge of the very first crime which could takenplace ever, he could reply the question by the judge and his -so called- ex turning the arguments into that burial of the first brotherhood at mankind’s history, he felt as the victim, he had to believe he was the criminal,

‘’the only act i can be guilty for is accepting to know your daughter ‘your highness, is the act of my pupils imitating the sight of your gaze as the princess of all letters and times , ’your honor”

loudly calmed their eyes down

‘’the guilt was accepting the sin of the holy touching which lead me here, as you and your names are the cast of this eternal nightmare, the only law-break was the kisses i had to illegally exchange with your beauty-queen ma’am, no other i’d accept to be blamed for”

he continous..

‘’and for you our eternal princess, i’d love to dedicate more than what you can hear, think and read by my side, i’d dedicate this being where you had typo title me in, i’d dedicate this pain with what it can brings you of satisfaction and bless into you time-space of living conscious of who you are, so a named-like ‘me’ gets to run the crime scene in your own storing of what book for a holy-landing-life should be shaped as”

tearfully-nonseen- sounded

-” however, regardless of what you’re trying to deliver, the point of this pointless gathering is for you to be an innocent criminal here around, try to use the democracy we’ve been offering and shape the suitable walk-off for all of us in this room, no harms nor punishments were seeking for by our act of temporary arrest”

she replies him ‘blue-cold’

_” keep it in mind, ‘the blood-full scene’, is justice in room”

all of witnesses rewinding the judges last written

© x-kira 2021-10-26