Unpretty Poetry: ReLOVEolution Now. Part 2/2.

Michi Braun

by Michi Braun


Before you start reading:
Please be aware that this is not the full poem.
Unfortunately, stories are length-limited, I therefore had to split this big piece into 2 parts.
(Not cool for the reading-experience, but better than not sharing at all.)
So this may be the end, but just to start a better beginning. Like, literally.

Darling, would ya please pass me the milk and oh, have you heard the horrific news about the latest war?
World constantly in flames, truth gettin lost in headlines, honestly I can’t even remember which war we’re in anymore

This planet’s in retrograde since the day it was joinin the big bang party and born
Diggin our own golden graves while killin each other in greedy selfdestructive madness, seems like we’re all just born from primordial soup to mourn

Isn’t religion about bringin people together in the name of unity and love or did I get something wrong?
One hand baptizes the child while the other one’s cutting off its head, all legitimated by some misunterstood prophet’s song

In secret, this world is desperately craving peace of mind, pure emotion, beauty, spirituality and magic
But mankind forgot how to slow down, believe, dream and feel
Sensationless zombies lost in meetings and routines, chasing money, marching along the downwards spiral of tragic
It’s high time to illuminate darkness, shatter hearts of stone and melt minds of steel

So let’s start a reLOVEolution right here, right now and instantly
Just like Coelho, I’m calling all warriors of the light to rise, fight and shine bright when push comes to shove
Bring back to life values like emotional competence, mindfulness, passion, self-awareness, faith, empathy
Cause what the world needs now and more than ever, is a lot of Aloha and the unconditional uniting power of love.

© Michi Braun 2023-12-16

Novels & Stories
Emotional, Inspiring