by Alexa_Sara
I am going to see my best friend. We have known each other since he was born. He is my oldest companion. He is part of my own heart. There are so many memories we made. Through ups and downs, we have always found each other. So I am going to see my best friend.
Wait! Why? It’s just like every week. Not a good day. I frown. You sigh. Like I don’t get it. You take me into your arms before I walk out the door. Be careful, you say. I frown again and leave.
There I feel happy. We laugh a lot. It seems like we had seen each other just yesterday. Like no time has passed. I can be a careless child with him again. I love it. And with joy in my heart I return, already leaping to tell you about it. When I see your angry face. What happened? I had left you when you needed me. How would I have known? You had said it was a bad day. I had frowned. And left. And now you will question my loyalty, my responsibility, our love. Wait no! I am sorry. I just went to see my best friend. We have known each other since he was born. But you only shake your head, interrupting me, pinning me to the ground with your accusation. He is more important to you. Well. No…
Please don’t be mad! Let me make it up to you. Can I make it up to you? So when next week comes and I was going to see my best friend- we have known each other since he was born- you only raise an eyebrow and I frown but stay. You need me today. So I find an excuse and I send my friend a text. He is sad but wishes me well. See you next time, he says. I just do not know when next time will be. Because somehow you need me every week, for just little things. But when I question their importance, you question us. And we are important to me. So when next week comes and I would have gone to see my best friend, whom I have known since he was born, I do not even phone him anymore. I only have time for a short text, telling him another excuse, another lie not to meet him. To help you, stay with you. Because you need me and he only takes away the time I have with you. Time I want to spend with you. And only you. So I am not going to see my best friend anymore. The one I had known since he was born. My oldest companion. Part of my own heart. There are so many memories I can only remember now. Through ups and downs. We had always found each other. But we don’t anymore. Because I do not want to see him anymore. Because I only want to be with you.
Until you do not question our love ever again.
© Alexa_Sara 2022-08-17