Kindness is a funny thing,
It’s something everyone could bring,
It’s something everyone should bring.
Then why is it that so many people struggle with it?
For others it works just fine,
Like you’re making a nice wine,
Nevertheless, when it’s about you,
You’ll fast lose track of what you need, because of what you went through.
It isn’t easy,
Maybe sometimes you’re sleepy,
And after some time you’re depressed,
Still drowning in your darkness,
Trying to make itself your home,
But you can’t give up.
Now you’re your grownup,
You’re not some kind of backup,
You’re just you.
And you should be allowed to be you,
Allowed to breathe,
Allowed to even scream.
So treat yourself with kindness,
So that you can remind us,
That you’re not just a collection of dust,
Sinking in your own pity at dusk.
© Michelle Brinkhoff 2023-07-14