VIII. Indecent Proposal


by lisiagho

2020 – 2022

The hotel wants vaccination certificates. He rummages in his bag and pulls out an old smartphone with a cracked screen. He’s fully vaccinated. He even has a negative test. He turns to eye mine.

“I see you’re responsible,” he tells me.

I laugh. I’ve been nothing but responsible my whole life.

The elevator is broken. He presses the button several times but it doesn’t come. We wait there another ten minutes and I’m trying not to fall asleep as I lean against him. He glances at me and then at the hotel key card.

“Which floor is it?” I try not to slur but the world is spinning.

“Sixth.” He’s sizing me up.

Oh crap.

My regular donations to the gym have not improved my stamina and the alcohol doesn’t help my confidence, which is a disappointment.

“So… the stairs?”

“The stairs.”

I veer towards the nearest door but he chuckles and steers me to another door. “It’s a bit early for breakfast.”

“I knew that,” I mumble. I push it open and nearly stumble over air. My feet are killing me–there’s no way I’m making it all the way up there with these heels. I begin to unbuckle the straps when the floor disappears under me.

“Oh my—”

He’d reached out and scooped me under the knees and is now carrying me in his arms, grinning widely. “The floor’s dirty.”

I didn’t think it was possible for me to like this guy any more than I already do. Feeling giddy, I drape my arms around his neck and plant a wet, happy kiss to his cheek. “Do you want to marry me?”

He laughs. “Ask me again in the morning.” Then he hesitates. “Actually, should I take you home?”


Or wait—maybe. I regret not taking him home. I’m about to suggest heading to my place, but he’s already climbing the steps.

“Put me down.” I wriggle in his arms. “I have feet.”

“Good to know,” he says. “I have feet too.”

“Come on. It’s six floors!”

“Challenge accepted.” His eyes dance and he puts on a burst of speed.

© lisiagho 2023-08-31

Novels & Stories
Hoffnungsvoll, Adventurous, Lighthearted, Funny