
Ana Morais

by Ana Morais


meaning: a type of work that you are suited to doing and to which you should give all your time and energy, or the feeling that a type of work suits you in this way

– Cambridge Dictionary

I think I have found my vocation. My calling. My dream. And that is writing. I wish to work as a writer. To spend all my time and energy on writing out my thoughts and ideas.

I want people to feel the same way I feel when taking a book into their hands. A book that will genuinely change your life and your way of thinking. Or maybe just serve as a good read when you truly need one. A book that you feel has been made with love and dedication. A book that you simply can’t put down.

Books and poetry have always helped me when going through a difficult phase and I wish that my writing could help others overcome it too. That they read a passage or a poem and think: “Oh, that’s me!” or maybe just feel the words move them as deeply as they moved me when I wrote them.

It is crazy how much it makes me feel heard. They might be just words on a piece of paper, carelessly dripped with some black ink by just another machine. But yet they comfort me and make me feel like I’m doing something important. Like I’m contributing to enriching another person’s life by having the courage to put them out there.

Yet I am still afraid. Afraid that people won’t like the way I write. That it doesn’t resonate with them or that they can’t really understand whatever it is that I’m trying to deliver. There are so many talented writers out there. Why exactly should you read my work then?

I am afraid that I might run out of ideas and have nothing more to write about. That my mind goes blank and can’t put together a proper sentence anymore. I am afraid of losing inspiration and motivation to actually write something I authentically care about.

Still, I am hopeful. Hopeful that I can spend my life doing this for a living. That there are people out there who might understand the message and can’t put down a book I’ve written. That my mind never runs out of things to write about and that my love for words will never disappear into thin air. That I can continuously produce another work and improve after every single one of them. That people will remember my name, even a long time after my soul will have left this earth.

© Ana Morais 2022-08-28
