Waves of anxiety

Margarita Sukach

by Margarita Sukach


I forget how to swim, and my lungs fill with water.

It keeps pulling me in, swirling force holds me under.

Sound of storm in my ears, my soul’s searching for air.

Thoughts are scattered, mind’s racing, shore is too far out there.

And I scream, and I cry but my tears fill the ocean.

As the waves eat my voice without any emotion.

How much fight can I master, knowing I brought the water?

Cup by cup, thought by thought, while the waves were getting colder.

Now I’m frozen, can’t move, I forgot how to be.

And it doesn’t help knowing that the water is me.

© Margarita Sukach 2024-01-05

Novels & Stories
Dark, Emotional, Sad, Tense