What Love Is

Michi Braun

by Michi Braun


Love is a wonderful multifunctional thing:

You can share it and give it, spread it and live it

You can open your heart and set it free

Let it grow and flow just like it’s meant to be

Love should be shared with everyone and everything

No matter if its mountains, dolphins, poor or king

Don’t care if stranger, friend, green, purple, dotted, small or tall

Love is the universal energy that connects us all

Love should be given unconditionally

Ain’t got no fancy price tag, so give it for free

Without asking for anything as compensation

Cause that’s the spirit of a wholehearted relation

Love should be joyfully and wildly spread

Just like peanut butter on dry bread

Or my arms in yoga classes

Love is the free feelgood-meds for masses

Love should be lived as if it comes naturally

Your heart’s the radio station to broadcast on that frequency

Share a smile with the world and just don’t think twice

You can make someone’s day brighter just by being kind and nice

One final advice cause is so damn true:

Don’t forget to learn how to love yourself too

That ain’t no job for all the rest

Cause you’re the only one who should know how to love yourself best.

© Michi Braun 2023-06-09
