Life’s a journey. Happiness is a decision. And home is the birthplace of the new YOU.
When you create a presentation on your computer, it is you who decides everything. You define the content and the form. You decide on the fonts, the length of the text, the graphics, the pictures. When you’re done, you may want to print out your presentation. So, you press PRINT. What comes out of your printer will be the exact copy of what you see on your computer screen. Except perhaps for some deviations in terms of color. But that’s about it. Your input creates your output. On computer land, that’s called WYSIWYG: What you see is what you get. – Now, let us assume, just for a minute, that life works in the exact same way: What you’re putting in is what you’re getting out. Cause and effect. Or, let us say, for experimental purposes: What you’re looking at – plus your very personal interpretation of what you see – is what you’re going to “get out”.
“In our homes, we are showing who we once were, who we are, and who we, perhaps, one day, are going to be.” (Clare Cooper Marcus: House as a Mirror of Self. Exploring the Deeper Meaning of Home, Nicolas-Hays, 1995)
Allow yourself the idea that home is your Treasure Island. Sometimes, you don’t see treasures. This happens when you’ve lost your glasses, when your view is blocked by too much stuff, or when your island is overgrown with excuses such as “I don’t like it, but so-and-so insists on keeping it” or “I don’t have the time” or “I don’t care. It’s not important to me”. – Are you buying into these excuses? If yes, stop reading. If no: Try a new strategy. At home, you are the content creator. The goal is not perfection. It is personal growth and the celebration of life. If you are serious about yourself: Get to the core of it. Make sure that what you see reflects you, not the taste of external opinion makers or society’s expectations.
Yes, you probably have to negotiate the choice of objects or wall colors with the folks you’re living with. That’s called communicating and it can have its challenges. But it is good for you and everybody involved. It means that you are taking each other seriously and strengthens a healthy bond between you. Negotiating space is not for the weak. It can be a litmus test to see how well a relationship is actually working.
What you see, matters. It is in the true meaning of the word: MATTER. Wouldn’t it be fabulous to be surrounded by what REALLY matters to you? Why? Because YOU matter.
Home is your field of creation, your three-dimensional vision board. All of your senses are immersed in it. It is your safe place for self-care. Let go of what doesn’t work or matter. Keep and cherish WHAT matters. Making such decisions is a process and takes time. Personal style is not formulaic. It is the creative byproduct of your unique life’s path. Your past is part of your journey. Don’t get stressed out by folks who tell you to let go of your past (as long as it’s a resource). Allow within your space that which makes your heart sing and which speaks of the person that you aim to be. – Be gentle. Be daring. You are creating yourself. Because what you see is what you are going to get.
© Beate Brigid Schilcher 2021-09-13