I adore his handsome face , his green eyes , his brown hair , the smell of his watermelon car scent when I look into his eyes I melt because I know he sees only me but I have to let him go , because it’s not good for me or him I once said since the first day of school that he would break my heart , and I ended up breaking his heart , and for that I hate myself the look when he got in his car made my chest dropped, because I know what I said *hurted* him and I can’t believe I said that to him and out loud” he was by far the most horrible man I’ve ever laid eyes on and to pass by him and see him at the locker is gonna be hard for me , because he’s right next to me *soo* much things are going on for me and my love life , maybe you should know where I’m coming from , if you ever felt something for a guy it can be difficult to let go , or continue something you might ruin
he start something if I starting to like someone else I mean we went to the park for a hang out , that doesn’t count as a date does it !? I mean I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even think of me anymore or maybe he does , it’s so hard when you got two guys but you only want one and they are both equally lovable but with Ezra I feel like a princess like I could just bow down and he’ll give me a standing ovation, I feel like with him I could just do nothing or walk out the room with messy hair and a robe and he will still adore me or have my makeup done horrible and he will still compliment me , but with Jace I feel like an option like someone he needs when he have no one else , it was always like that with us he never wanted me like I did once , he said we were friends and I didn’t even think we were friends because he never made time for me , or anything and that’s all I’ve ever asked for but with Ezra I asked one time and he came and made eye contact with me the whole time as if I was the only one in the park , he takes notes of everything I tell him and he remembers every little detail about me which jace never did .
Chapter 7: The Love Triangle
Jace was the type of guy who needed someone to make him feel good or better about his self of course I’ve never thought much about it , the way he treated girls at school how he would talk about them as if they were an object or a tool you can just use , not only was that something I’ve noticed but i overlooked it and instead of speaking up about it I completely ** discarded it , he stopped talking to me after we had this big fall out it wasn’t major to me but to him it was , all I did was tell him how I feel about the way he treats people but that was my worst mistake because he doesn’t take criticism too well
© Maraaa Maraaa 2023-09-08