by Ocean
On the floor,
In the shower,
In the car.
Heavy breathing, heavy feelings.
Thoughts racing,
Never slowing down, never stopping.
My heart is beating way too fast, hurting.
Trying to win a race I already lost.
Accelerating constantly.
At the cost of my sanity.
Tired of chasing
Desperate for attention
Sick of being alone
But too damn proud to admit it.
Not even taken for granted
No, not wanted nor needed at all.
Pretending not to be bothered
Slowly falling back
Letting time crawl by
Hoping for change to come
Falling from the high horse
Embarrassed and ashamed.
Dirt on the once shiny armor,
A crack in the once massive shield,
A dent in the once high held crown.
To get back on my feet
The weight must get lost
And with it most of my pride.
Humbled on my way home.
© Ocean 2023-08-06