When you think what could have been


by Ocean


Am I lazy

For waiting to be happy?

Am I a fool

For waiting to be loved?

I feel like I should take the first step

But I don’t know the direction.

I need someone to give me an inch

So I can start to walk my miles.

Flirting is easy, dating is a waste of time.

I know

That I cannot satisfy everyone

But every now and then

I find pleasure in trying.

Not all of them will be happy

But if I get a single smile

I can tell myself

That it was worth it.

Some bad habits are not that bad after all.

No reason to lose tears over lost time.

I could have come so far already

But I wasted my fuel

Driving in circles.

I missed out

On so many beautiful miles

Because I waited for someone

To text back.

I don’t ask for much

But show me the tiniest bit of effort

And I will give you everything I have.

© Ocean 2023-08-06

Hopeful, Sad