A once thriving town is now haunted by dark secret. When an unsuspecting woman
Stumble up onto an ancient hidden in the depths. More secrets she was unknowing and awaken that feeds on the darkest fears.
Strong occurrence and unexpected started to haunt this woman on A daily basis. Leaving her feeling deeply and unsettling as the window was open she heard whisper in the wood’s and doing her research of an answer,
She did Some investigates of her own in the town A secret of events and forgotten she thought who my hold the key.
As the darkness was coming through she must come to terms with fighting ordeal.
She fought A solace and learned valuable lessons about empathy and lessons and the power of facing fears.
She learned her family was something different, and she was to.
She was half human and half vampire a chilling of her one fear, but she could eat food like human could.
It explorer the boundaries between her everyday life and supernatural
She was just like a human but a vampire at the same time. She looked in the mirror and saw her face and moving her teeth around she was different from her family she didn’t want to kill for blood like they did.
She gave him one last kiss against the wall in Dan kitchen at his house before leaving his house forever and after all she did love him but wanted Dan to be safe and happy and if that means never seeing him again are talking to him ever again would be okay she cared for him too much
She was sad after leaving his house, but she wanted the best for him in the long run after she still loved him
© Starlon davis 2023-07-30