She blends into the trees of fall with her pale skin and her blond hair, her smile and voice changing my mood like the seasons, filling me with love and joy.
After I had decided to cheer Thea up with a picnic on the meadow near college, I went in full-on organization mode. I activated an event planning side of me that had been waiting to be unlocked, judging by the sheer force of ideas that rushed through my brain: getting the pickles, creating some sexy tomato and mozzarella salad, getting some lemonade, a nice cloth for us to sit on and my mom’s cozy blanket if the breezy fall winds would make us shiver around sunset.
And the best part: she has no idea what will hit her. I hope it will cheer her up in these difficult times with her mom.
“I’ve got a surprise for you!,” I couldn’t hold it in much longer and texted her on my way home. Due to a doctor’s appointment, she left college early today, “Meet me at the meadow near college around 5?”
“Alright, sure thing, Em.” A quick reply from Thea. I’m so excited. Alright, let’s start packing.
The meadow near the college is only a short walk away from it, with a small avenue elevated at the upper end, trees providing shade on both sides. You can watch sports groups doing yoga and zumba in the valley. Since Thea also likes to judge people and talk about folks walking by, I choose this spot between some lovely trees as our picnic spot.
Thea arrives shortly after I’m done preparing everything. I can see her walking past the sporty people and towards the little magic spot I have created for us. I rarely see her speechless, but her mouth flips open, and she is too stunned to speak.
“What the..?,” Thea starts, “You did not do this? Like..what?”
“Hey you,” I greet her with a hug and place her on the blanket, “Sit down, have a little snack.”
I can feel her joy and excitement bursting through the air.
“Thanks, Emmy,” Thea begins and starts to cry of joy, “this is perfect.”
I smile back at her, giving her the purest smile full of love, and wrap her in mom’s cozy blanket. I can feel her mental load drop by the minute as she gets more and more relaxed, eats the nice snacks and drinks the lemonade I prepared until she is stuffed. The sun sets as we are sitting there for hours, talking about the most random things, sharing secrets, and opening up about what’s on our minds in a safe and happy environment. Thea talks about her mom, and her ambition to become the team lead at some company.
“No further clue, what kind of company, though, but I will get there,” she says with a laugh.
You will, I’m certain of it. You deserve the world, Thea, and I will try to give it to you. Every day.
© Christian Schmitz 2024-02-19