XII. Early Birds


by lisiagho

2020 – 2022

We go downstairs—with the elevator this time—and I show him the light switch. It’s so obviously a light switch in daylight that I can’t believe we missed it.

He shakes his head and we dissolve into stitches again.

“Whose idea was it to put this next to the elevator?” he says. “I blame the hotel.”

I nod solemnly. “It’s definitely the hotel’s fault.”

We’re running out of things to talk about. I try to think of something when my phone lights up. I glance at the screen.

“More ducks?” he teases.

“Sorry to disappoint but it’s my sister this time.” I say. Thank goodness. I make a mental note to delete the app. I’m also trying to figure out a good way to ask him out. I like him too much to say goodbye now.

“Pity. Those ducks were cute.” He gazes at me and gets straight to the point. “So, are you free Thursday evening?”

Inside me, birds are singing and rainbows are sprouting. Outwardly, I pretend to think about it. “Depends. Are we doing sherry with Tic Tacs this time?”

He smirks and pulls out the said mints from his pocket, offering me one before popping another into his mouth. “If you don’t fall asleep.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“We can meet earlier since we’re old and boring. Let’s say five thirty?”

“That means five fifteen for you, doesn’t it?” I tease, remembering how early he’d been.

“I have a confession to make,” he says. He’s trying to keep a straight face but doesn’t quite manage. “I saw you go into the café.”

I would’ve been embarrassed except there’s only one way he could’ve known. “Don’t tell me you were an hour early.”

“There were seats to be scouted, food to be tried.” He doesn’t seem the least bit bothered. “Are you coming to get your sherry and Tic Tacs?”

“Ay, Captain Mystery Man.” I give him a salute. “Why don’t we meet in that café this time?”

He grins. “Count me in.”

© lisiagho 2023-08-31

Novels & Stories
Hoffnungsvoll, Inspiring, Lighthearted, Funny