your drama movie.

Lisa Kerper

by Lisa Kerper


Sometimes, when you are watching one of those tacky, romantic teenage drama-series on Netflix, don’t you have this feeling of being one of the main characters, living the American teenage girl fantasy of being the popular cheerleader in high school, partying all weekend with your friends and dating the hot quarterback from the school’s football team?!

If I write it down just like that and thinking about what I mean by what I wrote, it sounds ridiculous. But if we are honest, and maybe I speak only for myself (although I assume that most of you will approve of this) nobody lives like that, not even close to it.

Still we are binge-watching films and TV series like Gossip Girl and To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before and dreaming of living the life of the protagonist of one of those cheesy American movies, where either the wealth and status of your family brings you what they call “carefree” and “happy” life, or you were raised in a well-protected family home with devoted parents and siblings, that you were mostly describing as annoying but in secret you loved them very much. You have a bunch of friends with whom you are spending basically all your free time and who are living in your house like half of the time, and suddenly you fall in love with this super cute boy from school and all the high-school-drama-story begins.

While we are reliving those movies over and over again and trying to adjust our lives to what Blair Waldorf and Lara Jean Covey are experiencing, we are constantly letting go chances and possibilities which don’t “fit” in this kind of “perfect” life we are dreaming of.

Just a short reminder for you: Take a minute, or even two, and think about if that’s what you really wanted for your life. Be reminiscent of what you were thinking and dreaming of when you were a child, or even a teenager. Have you ever had a goal you wanted to achieve throughout your life? A dream to pursue? And anyway, aren’t you maybe happy with what you have right now, with what is right in front of your nose? And be honest to yourself, do you really think that this kind of life in drama movies would be a “perfect” and “happy” life? Would it really make you happy?

And no, I am not an Anti-Netflix-Person, if that is even a thing, but I’ve learnt to keep my distance from what is imagined and shot on film. I truly love teenage dramas for their kitsch and sob-stuff. It is one of those things with what we are trying to escape from our “normal” life; but not because we are unhappy and don’t like it, and we want to be gossip-girly-manhattan-upper-east-side-rich-and-wealthy instead. No, we want to get away from our reality, see things from another perspective and not think about stressful work-duties, appointments and annoying family members.

© Lisa Kerper 2024-06-30

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