Sometimes I’m scared,
Of loosing my precious memories,
Of the places I love,
My dear accessories.
I’m not prepared,
I’ve still got so much to share.
Don’t disappear without warning,
Else I’ll be mourning,
Deep sunken in the feeling of being lost,
Like most.
Don’t disappear without warning,
For I long to look back,
To not lose my dear accessories
Without any trace.
I long to look back,
At all those happy memories,
I seem to forget.
Those happy days I long for,
Running around as an unconcerned child.
Do you remember those days?
When you came back from playing with the whole neighborhood,
Feeling how the hot sun is tattooing into your skin,
Leaving but a tan for you to trace back.
Coming home when it’s almost dark,
To dinner being ready.
Your mom scolding you, because you’re late,
But you had so much fun outside as you played.
I miss those unconcerned days,
Of where I couldn’t wait to be all grown,
Wanting to be someone known.
Someone who’s skill is all they hone.
Now that I’m all grown up,
I want to tell the little me from all of those years ago,
That growing up at a fast pace sucks.
© Michelle Brinkhoff 2023-07-03